Spacecraft simulation made easy.

ModelSpace: The ultimate platform for flight software and GN&C test

Includes bindings for easy integration of cFS, F’, PyCubed, and other space software.

Comes with extensive documentation and our AI assistant, AttxAssist

Easily configurable for multi-domain simulation around Earth, Mars, and the Solar System.

A platform for space software design, development, and testing.

Scriptable Interface

Wield the flexibility of Python alongside the speed of C++

Easily extensible by leveraging APIs and open-source packages for custom scenarios

Rapidly iterate through concepts with our built-in Monte Carlo Capability

Detailed Documentation and Tutorials

Auto-generate useful documentation and diagrams to collaborate with ease.

Designed to be easy to learn - no certifications necessary!

Leverage pre-built model library for rapid analysis.

Robust Simulations

Design optimized spacecraft trajectories to meet mission objectives and measure against constraints.

Build a full digital twin of your mission in simulation.

Identify issues earlier

  • Implement component-level, subsystem-level, and eventually full system-level testing as the design progresses. This allows for early detection of hardware or software errors.

  • Carefully evaluate different design options considering factors like mass, communications, power, and pointing. Utilize ModelSpace to test the satellite's performance under various conditions, uncovering potential issues before physical components are built.

Utilize across the entire mission lifecycle

  • Maintain consistent documentation standards throughout all phases. Trace requirements from mission objectives down to component specifications, ensuring all elements contribute to the overall goal.

  • Maintains a central repository for project documents, models, and analysis results. This ensures everyone has access to the latest information and promotes continuity across phases.

Reuse functionality across mission efforts

  • Re-use models from previous missions, or from our open-source model library to expedite your teams’ development process.

  • By leveraging the OSML, analyses performed in one phase (e.g., thermal analysis) can be reused in later phases (e.g., mission operations planning) with minimal modification.

Interested in using ModelSpace for your mission?